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2015年4月結成 チャップマンスティックとパーカッションのデュオ


8/27日発売の1st single[SUMIRE]は予約段階でiTunes2位を獲得。


9月にはヨーロッパのウェブマガジン Sticksynthの表紙を飾る。


2015年8/26より SJI(チャップマンスティック日本代理店)からの協賛も受ける。 


Genkibako is a duo of chapman stick and percussion which was founded on April 7th, 2015.
The music video "SUMIRE" that we uploaded on Facebook was shared in a lot of countries and played over 40000 times in a week from the day we founded.
The first single "[SUMIRE]" which is on sale from 8/27 got second place on iTunes and PV was on the huge screen at Shibuya.
In addition, we were on the cover of the European web magazine "Sticksynth".

Strings  Kawamura ZAVZA Yasuyuki


Percussion  Sato Sennin Fumihiro

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